L C D A  A R C H I T E C T U R E
976  Martin  Luther  King, Jr.  Blvd.,   Chapel  Hill,   North  Carolina    27514  


LCDA has created graphic designs in connection with many of our building projects.  We have also produced graphic design projects for others.

We produce graphic designs which aim at consistancy of design from the earliest concept to the advertising, sales materials and signage used to promote the project and establish its identity when it is built. 

We have enjoyed working on designs of all types, both 3 dimensional and 2 dimensional.


Publication Projects

Presentation Drawings


Sales Brochures

See More ProjectsDiscover_LCDA_Architecture.html
976  Martin  Luther  King, Jr.  Blvd.,   Chapel  Hill,   North  Carolina    27514   Discover_LCDA_Architecture.html

Graphics and Publication Projects